Article about the Future 17 11 18 Using Lucian Academy's software, SmartWatch users can use APIs (see You can write pop songs using your mind and elementary melodies and lyrics and sell those and algorithm-based businesses. You could open a business in the future, based on a mind-reading receiver in the future selling your information services (or products). Law would be made more apparent as not only space but also time-dependent, and citizens should follow honour codes when accessing the future, especially "photographing" or "recording". Spiritual and agreed on protocols may mean that the spiritual time travel into the future may be determined to be appropriate at "times", like a person's wishes. For example, people may need time to react to the news before receiving the next message. Army may use algorithms to respond to the most important message from the future, past, etc., then reply to the rest of the messages as seen fit. In this case, we may need to be mindful of people who don't know about their future timeline (which could still change) and perhaps only access messages out of order in an emergency. Crime is a crime, people are just as unlikely to experience it as any other time, the philosophies mean it is a friendly technology, the future will be positive minded, and advanced technologies may make it clear everything is following "natural law". A centralised system of communication may exist, or non-centralised. Programmers could use APIs and ways of transmitting data to show that part of the universe off. Everyone with us in our universe is real, and we're just positive-minded. You can surf the web, pay (or not), communicate with text, audio or video (with smell etc. being sensable) on the future Internet, with future or past people. It would be like a telephone - you could talk to whom you wanted to. Protocols for these communications using mind reader (i.e. file formats) would need to be agreed on by various times (at the start). Given the problem of back-compatibility, "audio" may be text-to-speech-based. An open, breasoning based video file format would be best. It would be evident from the honourable-request and file type description what the communication was. You could use other companies' time travel to send food and meet people. These may be contaminated or radiation-contaminated, so authorities will need to ratify time travel, and meditating can be protective against radiation. On a separate note, one day (soon) we may be able to time and space travel to other (alien) civilisations (in the past or present), so medicine, honour code and science are the highest priorities.